Meanwhile, a Salvadoran gang took to bombing things with hand grenades they smuggled into the U.S.
Antwon told Vic that Lem would be a dead man walking in prison unless Vic killed the One-Niners' new leader. Even though Vic kept his end of the bargain, Antwon reneged. The Strike Team hatched a plan to send Lem to Mexico under a new identity.
The Rat King and Edgar-veda schemed to make Vic believe Lem was going to testify against the Strike Team in order to get into witness protection. Shane bought the story hook, line, and sinker. On the night Lem was supposed to head south, Shane the Traitorous Bastard went rogue and served Lem a sandwich with a side of hand grenade. When Vic and the guys saw Lem's dead body, Vic pledged, "We're gonna find whoever did this. And we're gonna kill him."
Vic drives out to the cemetery. Lem's grave is so fresh it doesn't even have a headstone, but there's no shortage of flowers. Shane reports that no one's seen Guardo, who headed the grenade-smuggling operation. Vic wonders how Guardo lured Lem to his death and vows: "When we find Guardo, he dies the same way. Only slower." Shane agrees.
Ronnie wishes Lem would've come to them for help instead of his lawyer Becca. Vic argues that Lem was scared; he blames himself for botching his end of the deal with Antwon. "Hey, this is nobody's fault," says Shane.
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In the Barn, Claudette asks if Billings already went home. Dutch replies, "He takes his 9-to-5 very seriously." So far, three Salvadorans have confessed to Lem's murder and have all been ruled out. Two suspects missed details; the latest wasn't even in the U.S. when Lem died. That's not all Dutch is upset about: "No police funeral. No press conference. It's like Lemansky never wore a badge."
Corinne arrives, looking for Vic because he isn't answering his phone. Dutch says Vic took some personal days, but he'll be back tomorrow. Corinne is worried. She hasn't talked to Vic in days and he doesn't return her messages; the kids are concerned too. Dutch offers to pass on her message.
Kavanaugh apologizes to Assistant Chief Phillips for his epic freakout in Claudette's office. He shouldn't have let things get so personal. He wants to make up for it by looking for Lem's killer. Phillips tells him Claudette is in charge of that. Kavanaugh thinks Dutch is making a mistake by only working the case from the Salvadoran angle.
Kavanaugh also wants to continue investigating Vic. Phillips flatly tells him that ain't happening. Kavanaugh presents his case: "The brick of tar we found on Lemansky was a part of something dirty that Vic put into motion." Vic needed to cover his ass when Lem got caught, so Lem agreed to take a plea bargain. Vic tried to make a deal with Antwon to guarantee Lem's safety in prison, but it went disastrously wrong. Vic knew that Lem might turn on them.
"Mackey killed his own guy?" Phillips says skeptically. Kavanaugh thinks Vic got Salvadorans to do the dirty work, "but somebody put that grenade in Lemansky's lap." Well, no shit, that'd be a terrible way to commit suicide.
The Rat King promises to be discreet and respectful (two things he's not) while he checks whether Vic was involved. Phillips wants a report the next day and they'll decide whether there's enough evidence to pursue it further.
Vic stares morosely into the empty clubhouse, no doubt picturing a certain blond with his feet kicked up on the table. Dutch and Billings don't have anything new to go on. Vic is sure Guardo killed Lem to send a message about the guys busting his drug and grenade operation.
Claudette assigns Vic to an arson case at a methadone clinic located deep in gang territory. Claudette is sorry, but she can't assign Vic to Lem's murder; he's too close to the situation. However, he'll still be the first one to know about any developments. Dutch lets Vic know about Corinne stopping by.
"Turn that shit off!" Vic barks at a One-Niner blaring rap, the police-issue Dodge Charger screeching to a halt. Vic drags the gangbanger out of the car through the window, NASCAR driver style. "Damn, I got leftovers older than you," Shane remarks to the guy's girlfriend. He probably does, what with Mara's apparent postpartum depression and all.
"Looks like Moses here finally made it to the land of milk and underage honey," says Vic. Moses claims that in addition to being "all kinds of willing," his girlfriend is legal. Ronnie tosses Vic a roll of money. Moses bitches about the guys having him steal an empty safe. Shane knocks him to the ground, reminding Moses who's in charge.
Did the One-Niners torch the methadone clinic? According to Moses, "methadonians" are good for business. A lot of the clinic's patients buy benzos from the gang. Shane wonders if the good folks running the clinic know that. Vic doubts they care; methadone "turns street junkies into state-sponsored ones."
Vic wants to find out if anyone with a history of violence has been a patient at the clinic. "Someone on the jones?" asks Shane. Vic shrugs, "Hurting, delusional, I'd be settin' fires." Claudette should post uniforms at all the methadone clinics in the area.
Vic tells Moses if the One-Niners' leader needs a favor, he'd be happy to do it. He punctuates that statement with a punch to the stomach.
At an apartment complex, Ronnie exposits that Quentin Garth is on the "home-study methadone kick." The guy is "volatile, raging about how he's being screwed by Big Medicine." Quentin also threatened a counselor at the torched methadone clinic. Nobody's seen him for two days.
Vic breaks down the door. The apartment is empty. Vic notices framed pictures of Quentin wearing a military uniform on the walls. Something tickles Shane's sensitive nose. He opens the bathroom door to find a dead man on the toilet with his pants around his ankles. The walls and tub are spattered with blood. For reasons unknown, there's a toaster on the floor.
Ronnie, who always gets the fun jobs, checks the guy's wallet. The victim is Quentin's roommate Kevin. Vic guesses Kevin was beaten with the toaster: "Glad this guy's his best friend. I'd hate to see what he'd do to his enemies." That remark will certainly touch a nerve with Shane...
Kavanaugh arrives at the Barn and every cop present gives him the stink eye. He sets his briefcase on an unoccupied desk. Dutch asks if Kavanaugh can get in touch with Emolia. The Rat King becomes cagey (pun intended). Why does Dutch need to talk to her? Dutch figures she might know how to find Guardo. Kavanaugh doesn't know where Emolia is, but she'd mentioned moving to live with her sister in Seattle.
Dutch conversationally mentions that he thought Kavanaugh's investigation was over. Kavanaugh has started a new one related to Lem's death and is making a timeline on a suspect. He holds up a DVD of traffic cam footage from the night Lem died. In Vic's voluntary statement, he said he took a drive from I-10 to the Pacific Coast Highway to clear his head.
Dutch doubts Vic was involved; he was "extraordinarily tight" with Lem. Personally, it always seemed like Lem was closest to Ronnie. Dutch asks what reason Vic would've even had to do it.
The Rat King admits to having Edgar-veda tell Vic that Lem made a deal that involved giving up his former teammates. His plan was to tail Vic to Lem's hideout, then arrest him for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Vic, Shane, and Ronnie all lost their tails. Mere hours later, Lem was found dead. Whether or not Vic actually pulled the pin, "he had Lemansky killed because I gave him motive."
At the apartment complex, Ronnie suddenly stops in his tracks and picks up a newspaper lying near someone's door. A front-page headline proclaims: "Murdered Cop Was Dirty"; underneath is Lem's mugshot. It's a final slap in the face.
Back at the Barn, Vic demands of Claudette, "You knew about this shit?" "Lem gave 12 years to this department. God knows how many arrests," Shane jumps in. Why wasn't Lem's picture ever in the paper for doing good?
Claudette says the reporters found out about the IAD investigation and "brass couldn't control the spin." Vic knows the new chief has been itching to get someone for corruption and "pinned the horns" on Lem. She calls "a shitty ending to an ugly story."
"With the bad cop buried, you and the department get a fresh start, right?" asks Vic. Claudette is sorry about what happened to Lem and I think she's being honest. However, hiding heroin in his car and turning fugitive were choices Lem made on his own.
Vic says angrily, "Kavanaugh browbeat that admission out of him, then he threatened to dump him in Antwon's bottom bunk." Ronnie also defends his best friend: "He ran 'cause he was scared." Shane adds that Lem was forced to make another deal.
Claudette knows the only way another deal would've been possible is if Lem gave up other dirty cops, which didn't happen. Vic is stunned. Claudette adds that Lem was willing to do more prison time if IAD kept him away from Antwon, but he died before the agreement was finalized. "No," Shane says, in shock for a different reason.
The police council is making an official statement later. Claudette will make sure it's as respectful as possible. Vic guesses the spokesman will be everybody's least favorite city councilman. Shane is still whispering to himself: "Aceveda said that Lem gave us up. He told them about the money train." They realize they were set up into thinking Lem was a rat, not unlike what Agent Stahl did regarding Opie. Some nice Sutter symmetry there.
Vic notices the Rat King and asks Julien if he knows what's going on. Julien heard Kavanaugh is helping work Lem's murder, even though Lem was no longer a cop. Vic and Ronnie take off. Shane stays in the hallway by himself.
Dutch checked their suspect's passport. Rene arrived in L.A. 18 hours after Lem was murdered. Tina translates that into Spanish, then gives Rene's answer in English: "He says he's got two cousins who saw him kill Lemansky." Dutch asks for their addresses, which Rene claims not to know.
Vic wants to talk to Dutch. Dutch tells the rookie to run the cousins' names. Once Tina and Rene are gone, Vic locks the door and unplugs the camera. He isn't happy that Kavanaugh is working Lem's case. Dutch claims that wasn't his choice. "Don't dick me around," Vic warns. Dutch admits, "You're the angle [Kavanaugh's working]."
Shane is sitting in his truck outside the Barn, crying and holding his gun in his lap. He jumps out of his skin when Danny, carrying baby Lee, knocks on the window. Shane wipes off his eye and pastes on a false smile; he gushes that Lee looks so big and happy.
Danny lets Shane hold the baby. She came by to deal with health insurance paperwork and thought she'd let everyone see her son. Danny goes inside. Shane takes his gun off the front seat and puts it back in his holster.
Vic asks Kavanaugh if he should start making his own funeral arrangements: "Seems like every cop you investigate ends up dead." The Rat King got Lem blown up and is trying to make it Vic's fault. Kavanaugh thinks this is just the anger stage of grief talking. "At what point do your bosses realize you're as delusional as that sick, crazy, twisted ex-wife of yours?" asks Vic.
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Upstairs, Phillips demands to know what happened between Kavanaugh and Vic. Claudette tells him it's not the first time; they brawled at Lem's crime scene and it took 9 uniforms to pull them apart. "This is you being discreet?" asks Phillips. The Rat King argues Vic started it both times; he was just defending himself.
Phillips reminds him that IAD is supposed to be neutral. "Objectivity doesn't lead to brawls and pissing matches," adds Claudette. Phillips pulls rank as assistant chief; Kavanaugh's investigation is officially over. The Rat King needs to leave the Barn or he'll be written up for insubordination.
Kavanaugh insists, "I have proof that Vic had Lemansky killed." Claudette and Phillips look doubtful. He's sure Vic had Emolia set up the whole thing. "You told Dutch you didn't know where she was!" says Claudette. Kavanaugh lies that Emolia called him because was scared to come forward. Claudette finds it more likely she just wanted more CI money. Kavanaugh says Vic threatened Emolia's kid.
Phillips is all "you're just telling us this now?" Kavanaugh knows Vic always worms his way out of everything. He just wanted his ducks in a row before he put her statements on record. Phillips wants to hear this from Emolia herself.
In a rundown apartment, Emolia is hiding behind the door with a butcher knife. Kavanaugh knocks on the door, calling that it's just her old pal. He lets himself in and asks if any other detectives have stopped by. Emolia says no.
Kavanaugh looks around and doesn't see any toys. Is Sebastio living with Emolia's mom full-time? Emolia wants her son to be safe; people know she ratted out Guardo. Isn't Vic still taking care of her? Emolia tells Kavanaugh that Vic and the guys called Sebastio a retard; she doesn't want anything to do with them anymore. Kavanaugh offers her a way to make that right.
Edgar-veda is straightening his tie in the city hall men's room when Vic startles him by popping out of a stall. Vic knows Lem didn't squeal and that Edgar-veda was in bed with Kavanaugh. Edgar-veda confirms the Rat King played them both.
"Your jones to hurt me let you turn a blind eye to what he was doing to Lem. You knew about the Antwon threat," Vic goes on. Lem got scared and ran, which ultimately got him killed.
"When do you ever take responsibility, Vic?" asks Edgar-veda. Vic shoves him. The councilman threatens, "If you weren't a heartbeat away from being forced out--" Vic rips his badge off his belt and tosses it in the sink. Is that what Edgar-veda and the Rat King want? He pushes his holstered gun into Edgar-veda's chest, snarling, "You wanna end a career, you do it straight up to someone who's still alive."
Edgar-veda's sorry about Lem. If that's true, Vic knows the councilman won't disgrace his memory. Edgar-veda argues it's not his call; he just works here. After a minute, Vic collects his badge and gun.
Emolia recites, "I say that Vic used me as a middleman to set up a hit on his guy." Kavanaugh nods; he'll give her more details later. Emolia thought he was supposed to stop cops from lying. He justifies that by reminding Emolia she isn't a cop, adding in the semantics that it's "just somebody else's truth." They'll make it clear Vic threatened her son, which made her feel like she had no choice.
Emolia thinks the Rat King's promises of monthly checks and a house with a pool are too good to be true. The Rat King insists "this here is real!"
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Kavanaugh calls Dutch and tells him about the shop. Dutch already has some possible addresses from Emolia's sister and suspects she's dodging him. Kavanaugh swear it's solid intel, but this is Dutch's case; he can do what he wants.
Axl, the clerk at a porno store, is being tended to by an EMT. A rack of DVDs has been tipped over. Someone came in, shot the wall, called him a "sick shithead," then tried to shoot him. Axl cut his head diving for cover. Tina seems very interested in the cover art on an amateur porn DVD. Julien asks if Axl can describe the suspect to a sketch artist. Axl nods that he has a "photogenic memory."
Outside, Julien and Tina debate the morality of the porn industry. He sends her to look for witnesses across the street.
Vic asks Claudette if he's supposed to let Kavanaugh ruin his career too. Claudette is more interested in why Vic hasn't submitted his retirement forms; he's supposed to keep his head down so he can still collect a partial pension. "There's been a lot going on around here!" Vic says defensively.
Claudette hands Vic a folder; the paperwork inside retires him, effective immediately. Vic thought he had until his 15th anniversary. "Certain things are in motion," she says cryptically. This wasn't her call. Vic argues that she needs him. "I need people I can trust," Claudette replies lightly. Is there a reason she should help him?
Ronnie interrupts to tell them Quentin is at another methadone clinic. This time, he has hostages. At the scene, Vic exposits Quentin's captives are a doctor and a woman with her 3-month-old baby. Quentin's poured gasoline on the doctor and mother. Ronnie reports SWAT and a hostage negotiator are 30 minutes away. Shane hangs back. "Are you coming?" Vic asks loudly.
In the clinic, two gas cans are outside the exam room. Vic surmises Quentin plans to shoot them and torch the hallway, thereby sealing himself off. Vic wants someone to peek into the exam room through the skylight. They don't need to spook Quentin.
Shane is still spacing out. Vic is sure this is nothing he and Ronnie can't handle by themselves: "We got innocents soaked with gasoline. I need your head in the game." Shane swears he's okay.
Danny is relaxing on her porch with Lee when Corinne jogs up. Does Danny know where Vic is? Corinne hasn't seen him since Lem's funeral and thought the two of them might've moved in together. Danny says, "Me and Vic aren't a thing." "What about that thing in your arms?" Corinne fires back.
Danny goes into mama bear mode: "Don't you call my son a thing, you uptight bitch." Corinne argues she's just a realist; Danny has no idea who she's gotten involved with. If Danny thinks Vic will be there for Lee, she has another thing coming.
Danny shrugs she can handle being a single mom. Corinne scoffs at that. "Just because you couldn't handle it doesn't mean I won't be able to," Danny points out.
Corinne wants to know what happens if Lee turns out to be autistic a few years from now. All babies seem fine at first and "there's a genetic predisposition for siblings." It takes two to make a baby, so Danny thinks Corinne might be the parent with bad genes.
Through the skylight, Vic sees mom and the doctor in a corner with the baby on the exam table. If they can get the kid out, SWAT can get between Quentin and the adults. Shane aims his gun down the hallway and whispers, "Jesus Christ. Don't hurt that little baby." Quentin is agitated, threatening to kill the baby if it doesn't stop crying. Shane drops his gun and heads for the exam room.
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Quentin opens the door, demanding to know who Shane is. The Southerner introduces himself as Shane Vendrell the unarmed cop; he throws in that a "quiet detective is a much better bargaining chip" than a screaming baby. Quentin shakes his head: "It's a con...just like everything else." He slams the door in Shane's face, pointing his gun at the mother.
"Open the door, buddy," Shane coaxes. When Quentin does, Shane starts pouring the gasoline on himself.
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Quentin, still holding his gun, awkwardly carries the baby to the small supply closet and closes the door. "I told you you could trust me," smiles Shane. Quentin flips on the lighter. "Vic, the psycho's goin' for Shane," Ronnie says tensely. With no time to waste, Vic jumps right through the skylight. Quentin fires at him.
Shane tries to tackle Quentin. Ronnie shoots at the suspect, then asks if Vic is okay. "I took one in the vest. Check the kid," Vic groans, his arms shredded from the glass. Shane returns the baby to its mother.
"You wanna tell me what the hell happened back here?" Claudette demands of him. Vic tells her, "We just saved 3 innocents from a homicidal junkie." "You lied to me! You lied!" Quentin screams and sobs as they leave.
The description of Axl's attacker is vague as can be: a black man in his 20's with earrings. Claudette goes to the observation room, where Billings is lying on the couch with an ice pack on his head. Does he mind taking over the porn shop case? Billings would love to, but he's still a little woozy.
Claudette suggests he go home. Billings doesn't like that option either: "If I leave now, it chews up one of my personal days." No worries, though, he'll be fine. "Thank God," says Claudette. Billings misses the sarcasm.
Claudette asks Tina and Julien to pass out the sketch to other local porn stores. The suspect might also be a regular. Tina still doesn't have addresses for Rene's cousins. Dutch went to the sewing shop to find Emolia, but it was closed.
In interrogation, Emolia spins her tale about setting up Lem; Vic offered her $500 to do it. He was supposed to pay her yesterday and never did. She was scared that Vic might kill her and Sebastio, so she called Kavanaugh. The Rat King wants to wait for Phillips before they talk more specifics.
On the balcony, the Rat King tells Dutch that Emolia moved their meeting spot 3 times after she called about the sewing shop. He ultimately found her at a coffee shop. "No harm, no foul," Dutch shrugs.
"Ow! Easy!" Vic grunts as Corinne stuffs an ice pack up his sleeve in the ER. Corinne hopes Vic has another bag of cash stashed away for the "years of therapy" the kids will need. Cassidy internalizes everything, just like her dad. "Doing okay?" Shane asks cheerily, now in fresh clothes. Vic says, "I'll live as long as my ex isn't the one taking care of me." Corinne leaves to summon the X-Ray technician.
Shane assures Vic he's fine other than still smelling like diesel. "Just like Ronnie's aftershave," Vic jokes. On a serious note, what the hell was Shane thinking earlier? "My plan wasn't turning you into a Duraflame," says Vic, "I've had enough funerals for one week."
Vic knows they've all been beating themselves up about Lem, but it's nobody's fault except Guardo's. He tells Shane that Phillips and Claudette are forcing him to retire. Shane has to quit being reckless because Vic couldn't stand losing him too. Shane pats Vic's uninjured arm: "You won't."
Something isn't adding up for Dutch. Vic definitely has questionable ethics and could be capable of killing another cop, but Lem? Dutch is sure he heard one person, maybe two, inside Emolia's apartment, but no one answered. The timing of Kavanaugh's call was odd.
However, Dutch doesn't think Kavanaugh has motive to lie. The Rat King wouldn't even bend the rules to help his ex-wife. Claudette knows Vic won't retire without a fight. She wants to find out what he has to say about Emolia's version of events.
"Cruising for interns?" Vic asks when Dutch shows up at the ER. Dutch gets right to the point: Emolia has accused Vic of hiring Guardo to kill Lem. Vic chuckles, wondering what Kavanaugh offered her. Witness protection, same as Lem. Vic needs to give a formal statement.
Phillips doesn't like Emolia's chances against Vic's lawyer, especially without corroborating evidence. Kavanaugh asks to reopen his investigation. He also wants Dutch off the case because he doesn't know where his loyalties lie. Phillips agrees, but will soundly discipline Kavanaugh if this gets personal again. He's talking demotion.
Dutch has Claudette sign a request for surveillance footage across the street from the coffee shop. Julien caught a break: His suspect went to 4 other porn shops and bought every copy of a certain DVD. Dutch examines it: "I'm not familiar with the Dick 'N Granny series."
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Dutch gets that part. But who's his costar? Whoever tried to shoot Axl has been buying up every copy. Maybe they took exception to "dickin' Granny." Axl doesn't remember who starred in Dick 'N Granny #3, just that it was a first-timer.
Dutch steps out to take a call from Vic. "Anyone ever tell you that you have incredibly expressive eyes?" Axl sleazes at Claudette, "Ever been on film?" Claudette has a question of her own: Has Axl ever been in a mug book?
Supposedly, Vic can't come in right now due to a family emergency. Claudette knows he'll run out of those and they'll get the truth. There's a ruckus down in the cage. "Hard to believe this place was ever a church," says Dutch.
Claudette will find Axl's costar tonight and follow up. Dutch warns her this kind of pace is bad for her health. Claudette shares a secret: If she doesn't turn the Barn around before the quarterly statistics hit the chief's desk, "they might be saying Mass down there again real soon."
Claudette shows an older black woman the DVD case and the police sketch. Does she know either man? "Edmond!" the woman calls. Julien catches someone, presumably Edmond, running out the back door. "Drop that gun!" he orders. Tina arrives to back Julien up: "Drop the gun, asshole, or I will shoot." Edmond complies, but asks, "Why'd you do it, Grandma?"
Granny explains to Claudette how she came to be an elderly porn star. Edmond got arrested 6 months ago for grand theft auto. She starred in the movie to pay his bail. Outside, the kid is still screaming things like, "Why'd you be his whore?"
Vic confronts Kavanaugh at his house: "You got Emolia to lie for you....You think I'm a cop killer? Maybe I am. You're a cop, right?" That sounds like a threat to the Rat King. Vic just wanted to let the bad guy know he's onto him; that makes criminals change tactics and slip up. Kavanaugh tells Vic he's wanted for questioning in Lem's murder.
Dutch now has the address for Rene's cousin Gavino, but nobody seems to be home. Shocker. Dutch follows a cat around the side of the house. Along the way, he sees at least 6 more. "Oh, that's gross," Tina exclaims, noticing a cat eating what looks like human flesh. There are bloody paw prints on the ground.
Dutch pushes open the back door. Gavino is bloodied, dead, and partially eaten. Dutch radios for a CSI team. Gavino is one of three or four victims. Dutch turns on the lights. Blood and body parts are literally everywhere. "You gotta be shittin' me," he says.
Vic apologizes to Corinne for not seeing the kids this week. He also tells her Kavanaugh thinks he had something to do with Lem dying. Corinne thinks that's ridiculous. The late news is on. Vic hurries into the living room and turns up the volume.
On screen, Edgar-veda says: "Last year, Captain Rawling initiated an inquiry into the Farmington Gang and Drug Unit. Supervised by Lieutenant Kavanaugh from IAD, this department conducted a 7-month investigation..." Cassidy comes out to say hi. Vic snaps at her to go back to her room.
In a bar, Ronnie is watching the same news report. Edgar-veda has changed the subject to Lem: "No doubt the thought of spending years in prison was a frightening proposition." Back to Vic. "We'll never know what triggered Detective Lemansky's reluctance to serve his time..." Oh yes, we know, you damn liar.
"...Less than 24 hours later, he was found brutally murdered." Julien kneels at Lem's grave. "Someone dropped a live grenade in the front seat of his car." In an alley, Shane hooks up with Moses' girlfriend. "That murder investigation is ongoing and as of yet, no suspects are in custody. Our condolences go out to Detective Lemansky's friends and family."
Edgar-veda believes there's a message in the tragedy, "one that I hope will shake this department to its core. Breaking the law and wearing a badge is a dangerous combination. And this city will not tolerate it." We see drawings from the kids and a picture of a smiling Vic in uniform. There's a framed shot of Vic, Shane, Ronnie, and Lem drinking together. "This department will not tolerate it." On the wall is Drug Enforcement Award earned by Vic.
Over the next 18 months, the police council's goal will be stopping corruption. Kavanaugh goes through Vic's desk and finds an envelope of photos of Vic's kids. Edgar-veda promises that cops found breaking the law "will be relieved of duty and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just as Detective Curtis Lemansky was being prosecuted for his corrupt actions."
"You son of a bitch," Vic hisses. Edgar-veda says Farmington needs trustworthy officers. Screw you, Lem was trustworthy as they come. Edgar-veda wants everyone in Farmington who wears a badge to have reason to be proud again. "Nothing personal," Kavanaugh mutters as he leaves Vic's place. End of episode.