Antwon killed Lem's teenage informant Angie with Shane's gun. He'd tell Shane where he hid the body if Shane agreed to kill Vic. Vic found out. When he heard his best friend's side of the story, he agreed to help Shane get out from under the maniac. Lem didn't buy Shane's version of events ("You had a gun to his head; he's gonna tell you anything you wanna hear").
Uniforms Carl and Scooby disappeared while on patrol and were found murdered in a house Monica seized.
Vic "persuaded" Antwon's associate Pitarrio to tell them where Angie's body is. He and Shane intercepted Antwon at the airport and brought him back to the Barn. He's right where Vic and Monica want him: an interrogation room. At least for the next 12 hours.
Ronnie, Army, Lem, and Shane hike through Griffith Park with flashlights and shovels. They're having some trouble locating the rock that, according to Pitarrio, marks the spot. At first. Shane is confident they're in the right place; Angie was buried 200 yards south of the horses and they already passed the stables. Then he starts to waffle about where they are.
"This is bullshit," Lem says under his breath. Shane asks if he has something to say. "Nope, I'm just lookin' for a dead girl's body to keep your ass clean," Lem replies. Shane tells Lem he doesn't have to be here. "I'm not here for you. I'm here for her," Lem counters.
Antwon smiles that he enjoyed his police escort. Vic warns his next one might not be roundtrip. Antwon is surprisingly willing to sign a waiver to talk to the police without his lawyer. Monica asks him about Carl and Scooby. Antwon's been a vocal opponent of the seizures and the officers were found in a seized house. Not only that, it was in One-Niner territory. Everyone knows Antwon is their king.
Antwon's fresh from a Vegas vacation, "haven't even been back to the castle yet." Monica thinks the timing of his trip was pretty convenient. Does Antwon knows his son Donald is in jail? The captain lays a surveillance photo on the table, showing Donald and another inmate in a compromising position in the shower: "Guards say that he wasn't forced." Vic clearly didn't expect her to play this card. She goes on, "I didn't know your crew was so friendly with Mexicans."
Monica wonders what would happen if Donald was sent to Folsom. "He'd have a line of boyfriends outside his cell," says Vic. Monica wants to know who killed Carl and Scooby. She's taking a break to give Antwon time to think. Antwon angrily scatters the photos across the floor.
Vic whispers he didn't have a clue about Donald being gay. Antwon tells Vic not to forget that he knows things too. When Vic leaves, Antwon punches the wall.
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Downstairs, Vic asks to be made aware of what else Monica knows. She basically responds with:
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Upstairs, she shows Antwon photos of three Mexicans who basically run the show at Folsom. All of them want Antwon dead. Antwon shrugs that Donald will have to learn to take care of himself. "I bet you feel like a real bad dad for being away during the wonder years," says Monica. Maybe if Antwon hadn't been in jail, the kid would've turned out to be straight. She honestly doesn't want anything to happen to Donald because "it's bad enough having you for a father."
"You ain't got much regard for a man's family, do you?" asks Antwon. He knows the captain had an affair back in the day with her then-partner Rich. Vic looks ready to Hulk out. Monica is remarkably calm about her dirty laundry being aired. Antwon asks how Rich would like his former mistress threatening to have someone raped and killed. Rich is dead, but Monica is sure he wouldn't mind if he was alive. After all, the two of them busted Antwon the first time.
The guys haven't managed to dig up Angie's body yet. Shane knows this must be the place because the ground is torn up. "By a mountain lion or something," opines Army. Ronnie is pretty sure they're west of the stables, not south. Lem wants to call Vic, reminding Shane that this mess is all his fault. Army asks why Lem is involved. He can thank Vic for that.
"Probably wanted someone around wasn't thinkin' about killin' him," says Lem. Shane protests that he couldn't have gone through with it. "We'll never know 'cause Vic got the drop on you first," says Lem, dropping his shovel and stalking off into the woods.
Dutch still hasn't found out who bought the stolen JP necklace that was at the cops' murder scene. Over 60 gangbangers with those initials have been cleared so far. Monica temporarily puts him and Claudette on another case; Kleavon is suspected of strangling another young black woman, just like Texas. He was described by a couple who interrupted the attack. Unfortunately, the victim died in the ambulance. "Looks like we got him this time," says Claudette.
Edgar-veda asks Monica how Antwon is connected to Urkel the gun dealer they arrested. She lies that she isn't sure yet. He thinks it was smart of her to announce the arrest of an alternate suspect until she can prove who really did it.
In the clubhouse, Vic tells Lem that Monica is pushing Antwon hard. In return, he might push back. "And all we got is a rock in the middle of pretty damn big woods," says Lem. Actually, it's a pretty damn big park. Vic suggests sweeping the area with a metal detector; Angie was wearing earrings and a belt buckle when she disappeared. (Bullets would set it off too).
Lem makes it clear that if he has to choose between locking up Antwon and covering for Shane again, he's choosing the former: "You and I have both been living straight and we're in deeper than ever because of him." Vic argues Shane wouldn't have gotten involved with Atwon if Lem hadn't broken up the team. Yeah, that makes total sense. Never mind the guy has an ulcer partially thanks to Vic's money train ripoff.
"Like it or not, Shane's family," says Vic. It should be obvious to him by now that Lem doesn't like it one bit. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he hates it.
"Nice getting shot at with you today," Danny says to Edgar-veda in the locker room. She knows he found the bodies and starts to ask how bad it was. Edgar-veda offers cold comfort: "I don't think they suffered much." They didn't die in the house, though; they were stabbed somewhere else. Danny decides she doesn't wanna know more than she already does. "Me either," sighs Edgar-veda. Danny thinks he's lucky to have a family waiting for him at home.
Monica brings Antwon a bottled water. She tells him Donald is transferring to Folsom next Tuesday. Antwon gets that they're both just trying to use the power they have. Rich did the same thing. Vic gives Monica a what-is-he-talking-about look. Antwon trots out the age-old "I was framed" story; Rich planted the cocaine in his car. As his partner, Monica had to have known.
While they're on the subject of secrets, the captain brings up Antwon's past. When he was 13-14 years old, Antwon didn't sleep much because his 6-year-old sister was raped every night by their father. Antwon was too much of a coward to do anything, but not Mama Mitchell. She shot her husband. Antwon's sister is now in a mental hospital; Mama Mitchell is serving life in Chino. These days, Mom probably would've gotten off on justifiable homicide. Tears roll down Antwon's cheeks.
"Oh yeah, you're street tough. You're a gangster full of cop-killing rage. But you're still too much of a coward to save your own son," says Monica. She orders Vic to cuff Antwon to the table. Vic tells Antwon he can make this all stop if he names names. Antwon thinks they should check their own house. Monica wants to know what he's talking about.
Antwon knows about a murdered girl who was involved with a dirty cop. If he knows, maybe Carl and Scooby did too. Vic calls bullshit. Antwon demands his lawyer.
At his desk, Julien makes a donation jar for Carl and Scooby's families. He tells Danny that Carl's wife Vonda wants to file a lawsuit: "This didn't have to happen. She sees that." "She sees that or you put it in her head?" says Danny.
Claudette's witnesses, Trina and Morgan, describe the murder suspect they saw. Hubby saw jeans and shifty-looking, wifey a clean-cut guy in a track suit, "the kind [of guy] you'd bring home to Mom." "Sounds like you wanna bone him," mutters Morgan, which reminds me of Kevin Spacey's character in The Ref.
Dutch is sure that's not what Trina meant. "Oh, trust me, she means it," says Morgan. About the only detail they can agree on is the man they saw was tall and black.
They continue to argue. Morgan is confident he could pick the guy out of a lineup, but his wife is useless. He even goes as far as saying, "It's too bad that psycho didn't cross your path." Trina gives her husband a smack upside the head that almost knocks him out of his chair. Then she picks up a tape dispenser and hurls it through the breakroom window.
Morgan cries for his woman to be arrested: "If it was me smackin' her around, you'd lock me up!" Trina squirms as Dutch holds her arms and tries to cuff her. As she's put in the cage, she demands they arrest Morgan for stealing cable. There are also stolen car parts in the garage, which she'll give them permission to search. For a parting shot, she insults the size of her husband's, uh, equipment.
Dutch reveals the couple failed to pick Kleavon out of a lineup. Claudette stuffs some money in the breakroom donation jar. Dutch contributes too, then takes the lid off the jar. "I only have $100. I'm getting change," he explains under his partner's scrutinizing gaze, "I need some cash for gas." Claudette has a plan: Trick Kleavon into thinking his victim is still alive, get him to ask for a deal. She'll take the lead because "he's got a thing for us black girls."
Claudette tells Kleavon he did a sloppy job; there's a 50/50 chance the girl will survive. "You're jittery," she observes, "Afraid of what she'll say when she comes to?" Kleavon asserts he was at home watching sports with his sister. Claudette lies that the witnesses picked him out. Kleavon remembers going out to buy soda. He brags that he has absolutely no police record. Rather insincerely, Kleavon says, "I'm sorry that girl got her neck wrung. It ain't my problem."
Kleavon's sis tells Dutch her brother was only gone 5-10 minutes. Two witnesses chased Kleavon away from the girl. "He has a habit of being in the vicinity of murdered black girls," says Claudette, "I know it's hard to believe this of your own brother." Sis thinks they're making a big mistake; she'd know if he was a murderer.
Dutch points out that intuition only goes so far: "We had a woman in here last year whose husband was a serial rapist. She had no idea....I don't think she really even believed it when he confessed." Sis asserts that 10 minutes wouldn't be enough time for Kleavon to buy sodas, then stalk and kill a strange woman. Dutch and Claudette both seem to think she has something there.
Edgar-veda and Sara have a "date" night at a cheap motel. She goes over her rules again: no bruises or ripping out her hair and stop when she says so. She adds that she's sorry to hear about the dead policemen. Maybe she can make him feel better. Edgar-veda grabs her by the arms and makes a chilling statement, "I don't want to feel better."
Antwon's lawyer arrives and wants a few minutes alone with his client. Monica goes downstairs; Vic goes to the observation room and turns on CCTV. Antwon needs a favor, but first the lawyer should cover the camera. Tom assures him that the police aren't allowed to watch their privileged conversations, but he obliges. "Call Bobcat. Tell him it's time to let the police find that girl," Antwon instructs.
"Pitarrio screwed us," Shane says when Vic walks into the clubhouse. They searched all around the stables and nothing. Vic tells them what he's learned about Donald. Antwon lost it and lawyered up. It's only a matter of time before they get a so-called anonymous tip about the body. The guys need to find Pitarrio and make sure he tells the truth this time. They have 6 hours until Antwon is set free.
May I just say a motel is a less-than-ideal place to act out a rape fantasy? Through the thin walls, someone might mistake the cries for help as real and call the police. Things could get very awkward very fast for a certain married city councilman.
Edgar-veda forces Sara to her knees, ignoring her real protests. He draws his gun and holds it up to her mouth, then loudly repeats his own rapist's words, "You ever suck a dick like a cell bitch, huh?" Sara's terrified, just now realizing she's in over her head with a madman. This time, her shout of "stop" gets Edgar-veda to drop the gun.
Prostitute and john sit there for a minute or two, trying to catch their breath. "Did somebody to that to you?" Sara asks in a shaky voice. Edgar-veda tells her to shut up, then vomits into the sink.
Sara is infinitely more understanding than Aurora was about this revelation: "Whoever did whatever to you, you didn't know they wouldn't pull the trigger. You probably knew they would. If you fought it, you'd be dead. It isn't your fault. You're not like that. You're a good person." No, he's not, and I'm not just referring to the adultery issue. Edgar-veda has always been a duplicitous bastard.
Edgar-veda himself even disagrees with Sara's last sentence: "A good person wouldn't be here with you." He breaks off their business arrangement/affair/whatever. I'm sure that's an enormous relief to her.
Dutch tells Kleavon that Sis changed her story; he was really gone for about half an hour. His sister lives 2 blocks from a convenience store. Why did he travel half a mile to an expensive supermarket for soda? Kleavon says that store doesn't always have his favorite. Said supermarket happens to be near the bus stop the victim used to commute from her job teaching night school. Kleavon must've been stalking her for some time.
Claudette and Dutch conduct a lineup through a little subterfuge. Dutch looks at the observation room TV, points to Kleavon, and says, "That's him, Officer."
Lem sneaks into a house through the unlocked back door. Pitarrio's girlfriend seems to knows why he's there and sends him to the living room. Pitarrio is asleep on the couch; Lem kicks him awake. "You met my friends yesterday," says Lem. They asked about a girl's body and were given bad directions. Pitarrio maintains that Angie is buried south of the horses.
Lem drags him off the couch: "You like lying about dead girls as much as you like burying 'em?" Pitarrio says, "Screw you" and gets Lem's right hook for his trouble. The guy's face starts bleeding. Lem tosses him a cloth to mop himself with.
"Tell me where the girl is buried," Lem repeats, "And do not say the stables." Pitarrio is confused: "What stables? Horses, man. That go up and down?" Lem realizes he means the merry-go-round. He starts to leave, then asks about Pitarrio's stash. Pitarrio claims he doesn't have one. Lem raises his fist again, asking, "How many goddamn teeth do you wanna lose today?" Pitarrio changes his mind.
Lem drags him through the house by his shirt. Pitarrio indicates a cabinet under the kitchen sink. His girlfriend Emolia watches from the staircase as Pitarrio is tossed to the floor. Lem holds up a brick of something, probably heroin. Pitarrio will get it back when they find Angie. Outside, Lem puts the drugs in his Jeep's glovebox. Here's hoping you don't get pulled over, big guy.
Back in the clubhouse, Shane rants and raves about how they spent all night digging in the wrong place. Okay, I get the bachelors not having a clue about the merry-go-round in Griffith Park, but Vic has kids. Did he not think to mention that carousel when they started looking? Shane rushes off to meet Lem.
"You're back," Aurora observes when Edgar-veda walks in their house. He hugs and kisses their daughter Sophia. Aurora asks him to leave a check for the drywall repair guy before he goes to work. Edgar-veda suggests they both play hooky and take Sophia to the beach, but Aurora doesn't want her to miss preschool.
Edgar-veda tells his wife that he was the one who found Carl and Scooby murdered. He apologizes for how he's treated her since his rape. Aurora doesn't want to hear it; she's upset that he didn't call all night. Edgar-veda promises things will get better. They awkwardly hold hands, then Aurora starts crying in his arms.
When Shane gets to the Griffith Park carousel, it's surrounded by patrol cars and crime scene tape. Army and Lem are standing in the street. The uniforms showed up right when they started digging. Oh, this is super not-good. Army gets pissy and drives off. Lem is sorry but they did their best. He leaves too. Shane sighs, watching dogs and uniforms combing the surrounding hills.
Kleavon is confident the nonexistent witnesses' IDs won't hold up in court. They're probably racist. Dutch and Claudette keep lying, this time to Kleavon's sister. They tell her his latest victim is awake after surgery and says Kleavon tried to kill her. Sis is a churchgoing woman. Is she willing to swear to God in court that Kleavon was at the store for 10 minutes? "Maybe it wasn't exactly 10 minutes, but it didn't seem like much longer," she amends.
Shane knows it won't take long to connect him to Angie; Antwon put Shane's business card in the girl's pocket. Vic thinks it's too early to worry because they haven't found the body yet. "As far as we know," Lem points out. Ballistics from Shane's gun are on file due to a different officer-involved shooting, but Army's never shot anyone and should be safe. Vic gets the idea of breaking into the coroner's office tonight. Ronnie says it would never work, too many cameras.
"Me going to jail and Antwon walkin' outta here, that's not gonna happen," says Shane, "I saw him shoot that little girl 4 times. So if I'm gonna go to jail for murder, it may as well be his." "Don't be a dumb shit," Vic chuckles. Shane asserts, "This guy is evil." No argument from me. "I put a bullet in his brain, at least there's some justice." "We ain't deep enough?" asks Army.
Shane appreciates everything the guys have done for him, but wants the chance to clean up his mess. If I were in Vic's shoes, I'd let him. Lem agrees with me. Of course, Vic tells him to shut up. Lem thinks killing Antwon would be the first good thing Shane's done in a long time. More like the first good thing he's done, period.
Shane surprises the hell out of me by saying, "Lem's right." It's his fault they got involved with Antwon. Everyone goes quiet. Shane leaves the clubhouse.
Upstairs, Shane uncuffs Antwon from the table. Antwon refuses to talk without his lawyer. "Stand up. I wanna look you in the eye," Shane orders. They stand practically nose-to-nose. "You're not gonna get away with killing that little girl." Antwon plays dumb. He must think he has it all: money, power, respect. "The hillbilly's been listenin' to my speeches," Antwon says with a hint of admiration.
Shane thinks it's a shame about Donald III: "If my little boy turned out to be a fag, I don't know what I would do. They say you're born that way." Antwon must have some bad genes that caused it. What'll it do to Antwon's image if his son is found shanked to death in a prison shower after group sex? "Your people don't cotton to the homo vibe." "My people ain't your worry," says Antwon.
Shane goes further. He drops the N-bomb and calls Donald III a fag again. "Where's the respect in that?" Shane shouts. Antwon pants and grits his teeth, eyeing Shane's gun. After a beat, he sits down and cuffs himself to the table again. He knows what Shane's up to and isn't willing to give him an excuse.
Shane unplugs the camera, looking pretty shaky. He has one hand on the doorknob and one on the butt of his gun when Vic walks in. He takes Shane by the arm down to the parking lot where the rest of the guys are waiting. "You don't get outta this by getting dirtier," says Vic. He wants Shane and Army to tell Monica the whole story. They have video proof that Antwon's been blackmailing Shane. Not to mention him soliciting Vic's murder.
Shane doesn't want to get Vic and Ronnie in trouble for not coming forward sooner or drag Army into this. Vic tells him not underestimate how much Monica wants Antwon back in prison. Shane is still hesitant; if Monica doesn't believe him, she'll question everyone else that he's close to. "So we survive it together or not at all," shrugs Vic. Lem and Ronnie, pretty much the only innocents in this whole thing, really need to pipe up with "What's this 'we' shit?"
In the observation room, Monica is stunned by what she sees on the video from Shane's car. "Shane and Army killed Angie?" she asks. Vic explains that Antwon did after beating them up and stealing their guns. He bugged Shane and Army's department car to see if Army was the mole. All she has to do is say she authorized the camera.
Monica wants to know how long Vic has been hiding this. He says only a few days. Monica asks if Ronnie and Lem are doing things behind her back too. Vic had to go through hours of footage to find that. He needed time to wrap his head around what Shane's done. He also didn't want him or Army to get fired.
"This isn't about careers. He put a hit out on a cop," says Monica. Why didn't he tell her this before Carl and Scooby were murdered? "I guess I wasn't thinking straight," Vic mumbles. He gives her the detail about Shane's business card. If Shane really killed Angie, he wouldn't have left it behind. Monica says through gritted teeth, "And you guys are supposed to be the cops."
Vic was just trying to help his best friend. What if the same thing had happened to Rich? Monica wants her dead partner kept out of this. She needs to talk to the guys. Vic brings Shane to the gang task force command post. Monica draws the blinds and warns, "One whiff of bullshit and my next call is IAD."
After the cul-de-sac bust, Shane thought Antwon had kidnapped Angie to send a message. He and Army went looking. "Not coming to me immediately is a fireable offense," says Monica. Shane was scared because Antwon had threatened his family: "I have a 3-month-old son. I have a wife who shows open houses all day." "Carl had a wife. Scooby has a mother," Monica points out.
Shane admits to tipping Antwon off about the warehouse bust and arresting his rival dealers, but he didn't have the stomach to kill his best friend. Vic found out about the hit and confronted him. Monica tells Shane he'll have to take a polygraph, then calls in Army. Shane looks ready to throw up as he walks back downstairs.
Later, Vic goes to ask Monica what'll happen to Shane. The captain will decide when his and Army's polygraph results come back. Vic doesn't want her to punish them for his not coming forward. Monica understands Vic wanting to help his friend, but that doesn't excuse not telling her about the leak.
"You could use that tape to get Antwon Mitchell off the street for the rest of his life or you could use it to hang me and the rest of my guys," Vic says. Monica corrects, "Or I could do both."
Trina is now even more pissed at her husband Morgan. He tipped off Trina's sister that she stole from their mom's house after their mom died. Trina's sister got so mad she rescinded bail. Morgan gave the police permission to search their attic.
Claudette and Dutch show Kleavon a sketch of his own face. "Am I under arrest?" he asks. Claudette confirms it. Kleavon wants to see his sister, but the detectives can't allow that; it could taint her testimony. She did tell them that Kleavon was watching a news report on the cop killings, not the game. Kleavon argues that they were watching the game; the bulletins kept interrupting it.
Dutch fires off questions: How did Kleavon know his victim? Where did he really go last night? Why did he kill her? Kleavon insists he didn't do nothing. Officer Paula tells the detectives that the victim is awake.
On the balcony, Claudette asks why Dutch stopping pushing. It's not like him. "I don't see the point in burying myself deeper in his mind if there's nothing useful," Dutch replies.
Danny confronts her partner with a rumor she heard: The donation money will be used to hire a lawyer to sue the police department. "People are really raw around here, you know. It's not the time to be rubbing salt into a wound." "I didn't choose the timing," says Julien. Danny knows this isn't the example she set when she was his training officer. Julien thinks that if people listened to his opinion, Carl and Scooby wouldn't be dead.
Dutch bullshits that Lana the victim ID'd Kleavon as her attacker. Kleavon followed her to the bus stop after putting the soda in his car. She had her headphones on, wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Yet another reason I only use them when I work out. Kleavon wore latex gloves.
"Her neck was thin, weak. Her panic excited you. That's the whole point. All you can think about is finishing." Okay, Dutch, you're weirding me out more than usual. He then goes into graphic detail about what happens when you strangle someone. Kleavon doesn't believe that Lana came out of her coma and told Dutch all this. He threatens to visit her at the hospital.
Monica shows Antwon the tape where he hires Shane to kill Vic. Antwon's lawyer cries entrapment. Monica says she authorized the camera, plus Shane and Army are willing to testify. "Next time you arrange a cop killing, don't do it in a cop car," Vic advises. Enraged, Antwon pushes the TV off its shelf. Vic subdues him.
Antwon wants a deal before he ID's the cop killers: no death penalty and he serves his sentence at Lompoc with Donald III. "Life for me won't change," he says cockily. He can still get liquor and women in prison. Monica says he won't get a deal unless he tells them everything. Who killed Carl and Scooby? Who has their guns and radios?
Antwon admits to killing Angie: "The bitch deserved it." He tried to hire Shane to kill Vic. But he had nothing to do with what happened to the uniforms. He tells Monica that Shane and Army were always dirty; it's a matter of time before he sees them in prison.
On the balcony, Vic swears that Shane isn't dirty. Monica tells him not to worry; he and Army will be fine if they pass the polygraph.
Dutch and Claudette tell Kleavon's sister that his victim has been dead this whole time. She refuses to believe her brother's true nature: "If I'm living with a killer, why hasn't he killed me?" "He feels safe with you. You've never suspected him," says Claudette. For whatever reason, they have to let her brother go. She should go home, act normal, and watch her back. "First sleepless night, we'll be her first call," Claudette predicts.
Julien tells Danny the donation jar has gone missing. Something tells me she's aware of that. Morgan and Trina call out from the cage that they want to drop the charges against each other. Unfortunately, it's too late for that. The van from county lockup is on the way.
Lem, Shane, Army, and Ronnie sit quietly and tensely in the clubhouse. Vic comes in with the news that Antwon confessed to soliciting his murder and killing Angie. Shane's sigh of relief is audible. Lem asks about Carl and Scooby. "Didn't give us anything on that one, but we all get to go home," says Vic. After today, the polygraph is the easy part.
Shane's got his trademark sense of humor back: "Couple of Vicodin, you'll have 'em believing you don't jerk off." Antwon will be going to jail for life and Monica is backing their play. "It's over." Lem sounds like he can't believe it. "Couldn't have gone better if we planned it," says Vic. I wouldn't go that far. Shane thanks them for saving his ass.
"Maybe this is just who we are," says Lem and it's clear he means something other than just looking out for each other. They're all liars, all dirty. Vic disagrees, "We had a problem, we came together, solved it. That's who we are." From now on, they focus on showing criminals who's in charge. "Strike Team style," Shane pipes up.
Vic wants to start with the guys who killed Carl and Scooby, which is problematic, considering they don't know who they are. "I'll sweat the baby bangers, threaten to take away their PSPs if they hold out on intel," says Lem. Shane will call in all his favors. Lem is starting to sound like his old self as he says, "Bangers won't know which way to turn. Then, bam, there we'll be."
Gino tells Monica that Vic has been clean the last 6 months. The seizure files are sloppy but in order. Nothing's missing from the evidence room. He thought this would be good news. Monica tells him to stay watching Vic and the guys.
Vic and Shane stand in the parking lot to watch Antwon's perp-walk. "Guess it's time for you to lick my balls, daddy," Shane says triumphantly. Antwon is satisfied that Monica believed he doesn't know what happened to the dead cops. Do they really think anything like that happens without his say-so?
"Those kinda whispers violate your deal," says Vic. Antwon counters, "Not unless you got 'em on tape." They'll never find out who did it and he'll fall asleep with a smile on his face every night. Vic hopes he enjoys sleeping in a prison cell.
Another officer loads Antwon into the jail van. Vic is even more determined to find the cop killers and wipe that smirk off the gang leader's face. End of episode.
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